MICRO NANO TECH is a company dedicated to excellence in every aspect of its operations, leveraging industry-leading technology and stringent quality control to meet the unique needs of its clients.
Since its founding, the company has established itself as a producer of high-quality microwires, nanowires, micro coils, and sensors, serving industries ranging from medical to aerospace.

MICRO NANO TECH is a company specialising in micromanufacturing, research and development of advanced engineering solutions. Founded in 1959, the company was focused on developing electrical instruments based on glass-coated microwire technology.
With decades of expertise, MICRO NANO TECH continues to drive innovation and excellence in complex engineering projects worldwide.
We combine technical capabilities, experience and cross-sector best practices ranging from electromechanics, electronics, chemistry, physics, applied magnetism and industrial design to develop and manufacture innovative materials, systems, and full products. Our products are used in many industries and markets including high-tech, medical, automotive, aerospace, mining, and others.
With a passionate team of experienced engineers at our helm, we are committed to devising innovative solutions for even the finest challenges. Our expertise spans technology development, prototyping, equipment manufacturing, and mass production, ensuring that we can support our clients at every stage of their journey towards miniaturization excellence.

Micro Nano Tech: Precision Tailored for Excellence
At MICRO NANO TECH, we believe in:

Ready to explore the possibilities of microwires, micro coils, and sensors? RO
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